

We’re thrilled to have donated £1000 to LOROS to support its vital work during the pandemic and kit out its newly-built Poly Tunnel.

LOROS is a Hospice charity caring for over 2,500 people across Leicestershire and Rutland by providing free, compassionate care and support to terminally ill adult patients, their families and carers, both at the Hospice and in patients’ own homes.

They also work in partnership with higher and further education providers to supply education, training and support to over 2,000 health and social care professionals every year.

In a move to become more environmentally friendly, LOROS have recently finished building a Poly Tunnel, where Day Therapy patients will be able to plant a range of fruit, vegetables and crops. The produce will then be used in the Hospice’s kitchen and be sold, with any income from the sales going back into the project to fund new plants, tools and decorations, making it self-sustainable.

Our £1000 donation will be used to purchase the necessary tools and equipment, such as PPE, to be able to fully kit out the Poly Tunnel so its ready for patients to utilise and enjoy.

Bruce Smith, Supporter Engagement Co-ordinator at LOROS, said: “We were fortunate enough to receive a significant donation towards the end of 2019 to allow for construction of our new Poly Tunnel, but with the Coronavirus pandemic leading to an estimated shortfall of £2.3m over the next year, spending the extra money to kit the area out just hasn’t been financially viable.

“With this donation from Mulberry Homes it will mean the project can kick into action and begin benefiting our patients and their families. A heartfelt thanks from all at LOROS to Mulberry Homes for supporting us through their 10-year anniversary campaign.”

Kerry Jones, Sales Director at Mulberry Homes, said: “I’m very proud that we’re able to offer such a significant donation to LOROS, especially at a time where their essential work is more valued than ever.

“We’re delighted that the donation will provide the Hospice will the tools and equipment they need for their brand-new Poly Tunnel. It’s a wonderful project that we’re thrilled to be a part of, and we hope that the patients really enjoy learning new skills and growing sustainable produce and wonderful crops.”

The donation comes as part of our 10-year anniversary campaign, in which we have committed to donating a total of £10,000 to charities and organisations local to our developments throughout 2021, with LOROS operating close-by to our Kingsbury Park development in Lutterworth.

For more information on LOROS, visit